Integration of RES in an existing DC network
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest will test the integration of renewable energy sources in its existing district heating (DH) network, which is to date operated by a gas cogeneration plant.
The existing DH network is of arborescent type with consumers at the branch ends unable to benefit from the appropriate thermal level of the heat carrier. This worsens whenever new consumers are connected to the heating network.
WEDISTRICT proposes the integration of a hybrid system based on geothermal and solar energy.

This comprises one subsystem that produces thermal energy (heat, cold, domestic hot water) based on geothermal heat pumps and hybrid photovoltaic solar collectors. And another one, based on PV panels, which will fully cover the thermal subsystem power consumption and will use storage battery array equipped with an intelligent energy management system that will assure the functioning of demosite in off-line mode for a certain period. The borehole heat exchanger of the heat pumps could be used for passive cooling of the building during the summer while the active cooling of the heat pumps can supplement the cooling demand.
The thermal energy and electricity produced from RES will be mainly used to feed a Target Building. Overproduction of both heat and power will be injected in the university DH network and local power grid.
The installations on site are about to start – heat pumps, PVTs, PV panels, inverters, converters, SCADA servers and fan coils units are being unpacked and waiting to be installed.

Stay tuned for more updates on this and other demosites, which will integrate multiple sources of renewable energy and recoverable excess heat to showcase solutions for 100% fossil free DHC.